Thursday, March 6, 2014

Love and Respect

However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

Men need unconditional respect.  Women need unconditional love.

Statistically and biblically this rings true over and over and over.  I realize there are times when you think…how do I respect THAT?  Or how do I love THAT?  Remember it’s not about deserving or earning, but about our significants needing it.  It’s kind of like food.  Without food you will shrivel up and die. 

If we only got food when we acted right, I venture to say most of us wouldn’t make it.

You should try it and see what happens.  So, the next time that special person in your life does something you don't care for and you get really mad about it ~ try treating that person with respect or love in spite of your feelings.   When a woman acts mean and nasty, hold her tight and tell her she’s beautiful and that she deserves a break.  When a man does that very thing that frustrates you, and then he does it again, surprise him and tell him he’s a great man and why you appreciate him.

Break the cycle.

Some people would say, “I can’t, no way”.  Well, then, try this:  Pretend someone offered you a million dollars and all you had to do was treat your loved one with love (or respect) for a week, “no matter what.”  My guess is that you would do it, with enthusiasm.  So, you CAN do it IF you decide to. I would like to suggest that developing a wonderful relationship with the significant person in your life is worth a lot more than a million dollars.  It’s worth a life time of happiness and contentment.  It's a great model for young children to see. 

Dear Lord, please give me the wisdom and patience to treat the people in my life with love and respect, even when I don’t feel like it.  Please, help me to see the value in this.