Thursday, March 6, 2014

Quit trying to make everything better

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

There comes a time in life when you have to quit trying to make everything better for your self and your family.  Sometimes the house you have is just fine, the car you drive doesn’t need to be any better, the money you are making is enough to live.  You just need to relax and enjoy what you have accomplished so far and let your friends and family see you content.  

While it makes sense to work hard to provide and make a good living, being content in life is a wonderful thing to experience and see.  When your kids watch you be happy with what you have in life, they learn a tremendous lesson.

Years ago when us baby boomers were born, it was customary to work hard to get more, have more and move up in the world.  However, our world has been transformed to a place where most of us have plenty enough to live.  We honestly do not need a bigger tv, larger SUV or bigger rooms to live in.  What we need is family time together, kids that see their parents loving each other and a nightly prayer at the dinner table.

Solitude, down time, reading a book, quiet dinner, taking a walk, “how was your day at school” conversation, board games.  These are the places where your soul is nourished and our body is renewed.   It’s in these moments that many of our troubles are solved and relationships are tightened.

While you go through life, try practicing having a lot of down time, strive for that more than the expensive vacation or the designer clothes.  Remember, our goal in life is to be happy and content; you can honestly do that with very little in life, provided you are concentrating on the important things.

Dear Lord, help me to be content with what You have given me and show me ways to accomplish this.  Amen.